(05-10-2022, 08:30 AM)composeoffbeat Wrote: I've recently acquired the Oxford Dictionary of English app for my Android phone and tablet. Is it true that now that I've spent $$$, I'll have access to more than just the Android application?
Thank you for submitting your question! Once you subscribe to the Oxford Dictionary of English via Google Play, you can use the app on your Android phone or tablet. It is not available for iOS or Windows devices as we do have seprate dictionary products for those platforms.
Once you subscribe you can use all the Premium features in the app itself and enjoy an ad-free exprience.
Best regards,
-MobiSystems Support Team-
Emails you can reach us at: dictionaries-android@mobisystems.com/ dictionaries-ios@mobisystems.com
Emails you can reach us at: dictionaries-android@mobisystems.com/ dictionaries-ios@mobisystems.com