(11-01-2022, 04:06 AM)aronkohler Wrote: Can I register The Talk&Translate app with any account other than email?
fnf mods
Hello there,
Thank you for writing ot us!
You do not need to register anywhere in order to use the free version of the Talk&Translate app.
You can just download it and use it for free.
If you would like to purchase it then you can sign-in with any email account at the Google Play Store and subscribe monthly or yearly.
Please let us know if you should need any further assistance.
-MobiSystems Support Team-
Emails you can reach us at: dictionaries-android@mobisystems.com/ dictionaries-ios@mobisystems.com
Emails you can reach us at: dictionaries-android@mobisystems.com/ dictionaries-ios@mobisystems.com